Grants Programs

Aboriginal Housing Victoria and the Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum (AHHF) have been funded by Homes Victoria through the Community Housing Sector Development Fund (CHSDF) to administer two grant programs :

  • Supporting Aboriginal Registration (SAR) and;
  • Breaking Down Barriers to the Big Housing Build (BDB).

These grants are in response to the strategic goals of Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort (Every Aboriginal Person Has A Home). The launch of these programs will support the following objectives:

  • Build supply to the meet the needs of a growing Aboriginal population (Strategic Goal 2), and
  • Support a capable system that delivers Aboriginal housing needs (Strategic Goal 5).

The Grant Program Support Team at Aboriginal Housing Victoria have developed the governance and guideline structures of the program and will administer the awarded funds to successful applicants.

These are two separate grant programs and will require respective applications. However, both grants follow the same open and close timeframe. Organisations can apply for both grants if applicable.

All organisations are welcome to apply for these grants as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.

Please read the key information below and follow all steps to apply accordingly.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Henry Nguyen, Grants Program Coordinator on 0438 002 512 or

Current Grants

Supporting Aboriginal Registration (SAR)

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The Supporting Aboriginal Registration (SAR) grant program aims to address resourcing and capability gaps within the Aboriginal community housing sector in relation to becoming a registered housing agency under the Housing Act 1983. Eligible Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) and Traditional Owner Corporations (TOCs) located within the state of Victoria can apply for up to $50,000 to support costs incurred during the application process to become registered or in the first 18 months after becoming registered.

Breaking Down Barriers to the Big Housing Build (BDB)

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The Breaking Down Barriers to the Big Housing Build (BDB) grant program aims to provide financial assistance to the Aboriginal housing providers that are procuring new social housing development projects any Aboriginal housing investment grant initiative introduced by Homes Victoria. Eligible Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) and Traditional Owner Corporations (TOCs) located within the state of Victoria can apply for up to $72,000 to support costs required to bid for funding, for example, through the Homes for Aboriginal Victorian Rounds (HfAVR) or the Social Housing Growth Fund (SHGF).

For more information about Grant Programs please email