About us

The Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum (AHHF) is unique in Australia. It is the space where every Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) that provides housing and homelessness services in Victoria, as well as Traditional Owners (TOs)  and Aboriginal Trusts with an interest in housing and homelessness, come together to progress the strategic work of Mana–na woorn-tyeen maar–takoort: Every Aboriginal Person has a Home, the Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework.


The purpose of the Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum (AHHF) is to provide a dedicated space to engage in strategic thinking, planning, action, capacity building, information sharing, collaboration, advocacy and innovation to progress the strategic objectives of Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort: Every Aboriginal Person has a Home. The 38 members of the AHHF comprise Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) , Traditional Owner groups (TOs) and Aboriginal Trusts, delivering housing and homelessness services across the state.  

The AHHF is a culturally safe place that respects cultural protocols and the unique role that ACCOs play in their communities. The AHHF represent the views of the Aboriginal community and present these views to the Implementation Working Group and/or the Implementation Action Group. The Implementation Working Group is co-chaired by Darren Smith (CEO Aboriginal Housing Victoria) and Simon Newport (CEO Homes Victoria) and has member representation from the Department of Treasury and Finance and the Department of Premier and Cabinet

AHHF 20- Year  Vision:

For a unified and vibrant Victorian Aboriginal community housing sector delivering quality services and housing equity within a generation.


Key Publications

Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework (VAHHF)

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As a significant recognition of self-determination, the Victorian Government have funded Aboriginal Housing Victoria to lead the development of Manana woorn-tyeen maartakoort which translates to ‘Every Aboriginal Person has a Home‘ in the Gunditjmara dialects. The Framework provides a 20-year roadmap for housing and homelessness reform in Victoria. Through offering a new perspective moving beyond crisis management of Aboriginal housing and instead addressing each of the drivers of housing outcomes, the Framework aims to achieve quality housing outcomes for all Aboriginal Victorians in a generation. While Government partners participated in the development process by providing guidance and direction, in recognising the power of a community led response, the Framework has been developed by the Aboriginal community for the Aboriginal community. It is self-determination in action. 

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Blueprint for an Aboriginal-specific homelessness system in Victoria

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 A key objective of Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort is the establishment of an Aboriginal focussed homelessness service system. In order to advance this objective, the Blueprint for an Aboriginal-specific homelessness system in Victoria (‘Blueprint’) was developed. The Blueprint was realised through a mixed method approach, including a cross-jurisdictional scan which identified Aboriginal-specific approaches to homelessness across jurisdictions, one-on one consultations with stakeholders across the homelessness sector and people with lived experience, co-design workshops with stakeholders across the service system. It sets out the service arrangements and system management enablers that will form the basis of the Aboriginal-specific homelessness system. 

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AHHF 20- Year Vision Statement

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The purpose of the Aboriginal community-housing sector’s Vision is to outline the role of Aboriginal community housing organisations in delivering appropriate accommodation outcomes for Victoria’s Aboriginal people over the next 20 years.

It is intended to guide the transformation of the Aboriginal community housing sector from being loosely organised, under-resourced and straining to cope with a burgeoning Aboriginal homelessness and housing crisis into a platform that advances Aboriginal self-determination and ensures every Aboriginal Victorian has a home that supports their social, economic and cultural wellbeing.

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The AHHF secretariat is a self-determined voice for Aboriginal housing and homelessness. Our role as the AHHF secretariat is to support the delivery of Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort and to advocate on behalf of the entire AHHF membership to build the capability and capacity of an Aboriginal housing industry. This advocacy involves communicating the collective messages of the 38 members and ensuring these messages translate into efficient and effective outcomes for the Victorian Aboriginal community, thereby turning policy and advocacy into action. An example of one of our current priorities is advocating for a National Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Plan that reflects the specific housing needs of the Victorian Aboriginal community. Overall, we aim to drive change across all areas of the Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness framework.